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Guido Benvenuto

Professor of Anthropology and Education

Represented university / institution
Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)

Title of the course/talk
Reserach paradigma and mixed methods in education

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Benvenuto, G.; Sposetti, P.; Szpunar, G.; Montebello, M.; Vincenti, G.(2021). Educational planning in nursery schools, at the time of Covid. La progettazione educativa nei Nidi, ai tempi del Covid. pp.290-304. In Q-TIMES WEBMAGAZINE – ISSN:2038-3282 vol. XIII (2)
2) Benvenuto, G.; Veggetti, M. S.(a cura di) (2021). Historical-Cultural Theory. Studies and research. DOI:10.13133/9788893771962. pp.1-181 – ISBN:978-88-9377-196-2. In CONVEGNI, Roma: Sapienza Università Editrice
3) Benvenuto, G.; Sposetti, P.; Szpunar, G. (2021). Educational activities offered by the Educational Services of Roma Capitale during the lockdown. pp.516-533. In RICERCA e DIDATTICA per promuovere intelligenza comprensione e partecipazione Atti del X Convegno della SIRD 9‐10 aprile 2021 – ISBN:9788867608324. In Collana SIRD Studi e ricerche sui processi di apprendimento‐insegnamento e valutazione.

Research interests
Teaches social pedagogy and educational research methodology, carries out research on early school leaving, social inclusion, educational innovations and learning environments. He is a member of the Department of Psychology of Development and Socialization Processes that in 2017 was selected among the departments of excellence of the Italian state university to create an interdisciplinary research task force on one of the most relevant social issues: migration flows and inclusive practices in Europe and Italy. The Department intends to strengthen the interconnections between excellent scientific-disciplinary sectors in research, teaching and international collaborations with an immediate socio-economic impact through existing services and the creation of new consulting services on the psychosocial implications connected to migration phenomena.

Andrea Carteny

Associate Professor

Represented university / institution
Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)

Title of the course/talk
Identity building and ethnicity between Indo-Pacific and Europe: a comparison between Taiwan with European cases

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) A. Carteny, P. Pizzolo, „The “New Great Game” in Central Asia: From a Sino-Russian Axis of Convenience to Chinese Primacy?”, in „The International Spectator”, 10 Jan. 2022, DOI: 10.1080/03932729.2021.2007611
2) A. Carteny, “From the Lausanne Congress to the Rome Pact until the Fiume League: Nationalities and Nationalisms (1916–1920)”, in “War, Peace and Nation-Building (1853–1918)”, Serbian Academy of Sciences, Belgrade 2020, pp. 17-39
3) A. Carteny, „La questione transilvana nel periodo interbellico”, Carocci, Rome 2020, pp. 1-135.

Research interests
Ethnic and national issues in modern Europe, national minorities and international relations. Transylanian Question, Eurasia history and nationalisms, Identity building process

Ian Gadd

Professor in English Literature

Represented university / institution
Bath Spa University, UK

Title of the course/talk
What is the ‘History of the Book’ and why does it matter?

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Ian Gadd, ‘Ready Reader One: Recovering Reading as an Ambient Practice’, in Ambient Literature, ed. Tom Abba, Jonathan Dovey, and Kate Pullinger (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020).
2) Ian Gadd, ‘A Companion to Blayney’, Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 111 (2017), 379-406.
3) Ian Gadd, ed., The History of Oxford University Press, Volume I: Beginnings to 1780 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013)

Research interests
The Stationers’ Company of London; Oxford University Press; the history of printing and publishing in England in the 16th, 17th and early eighteenth centuries; history of early modern London; history of reading; editorial theory and practice; Jonathan Swift

Garry Hornby

Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business

Represented university / institution
University of Plymouth, UK

Title of the course/talk
What makes for successful doctoral research: Using qualitative, quantitative or mixed methodology?

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Kauffman, J. M. & Hornby, G. (2020). Inclusive vision versus special education reality. Education Sciences, 10(9), 258:
2) Hornby G (2014) Inclusive special education: Evidence-based practices for children with special needs and disabilities. Springer , DOI
3) Atkinson M & Hornby G (2015) Mental Health Handbook for Schools. Routledge , DOI Open access

Research interests
Educational psychology, inclusive and special education, counselling, children’s mental health, teacher education, and parental involvement in education.

Daniela Irrera

Associate Professor of International Relations

Represented university / institution
Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania

Title of the course/talk
Researching in the International Relations field

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Marianna Charountaki and Daniela Irrera (eds.), Mapping Non-State actors in International Relations, Springer, 2022
2) D. Irrera, Managing African conflicts: using CSDP missions to cope with terrorism and organized crime, in V. Fargion & M. Gazibo (eds.), Revisiting EU-Africa Relations in a Changing World, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2021, pp. 24-36.
3) D. Irrera, Non-state actors and conflict management in proxy wars. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies, 2021. Oxford University Press

Research interests
Non-state actors’ influence on global politics (civil society organizations, NGOs, organized crime groups and terrorists)ociety organizations and NGOs) and negative (organized crime groups and terrorists).

Adam Krzymowski


Represented university / institution
Zayed University

Title of the course/talk
Three Seas Initiative’s countries from the United Arab Emirates Perspective

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Krzymowski, Adam. 2022. “Role and Significance of the United Arab Emirates’ Foreign Aid for its Soft Power Strategy and Sustainable Development Goals” Social Sciences 11, no. 1: 48. DOI: 10.3390/socsci11020048
2) Krzymowski, Adam. 2022. „The Baltic States of the Three Seas Initiative: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in Creative Relations with the United Arab Emirates” Creativity Studies 15, no. 1: 40. DOI:10.3846/cs.2022.13867
3) Krzymowski, Adam. 2021. “Water Diplomacy and its Strategic Significance for Sustainable Development Goals and Global Security Architecture” Sustainability 13, no 24: 13898. DOI: 10.3390/SU132413898

Research interests
International Relations, international security, International Political Economy, global and regional challenges, international institutions and international law, modern diplomacy

Juan Luis Fuentes

PhD in Education. Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Studies

Represented university / institution
University of Madrid (Spain)

Title of the course/talk
Academic writting for educational researchers

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) (2020) Swimming against the tide in current educational practice: thoughts and proposals.  The Educational Forum;
2) (2018) Constructing Creative Democracy at School by Reading the Classics: A Dialogue between Martha Nussbaum and John Dewey. En R. Heilbronn, C. Doddington and R. Higham (Eds.), Dewey and Education in the 21st Century: Fighting Back. Emerald Publishing;
3) (2016). Cultural Diversity on the Council of Europe Documents: the Role of Education and the Intercultural Dialogue. Policy Futures in Education

Research interests
theory and philosophy of education, intercultural education, and the use of ICTs in the educational sphere. Dr. Fuentes is Associate Editor of Educación XX1 and Academic Secretary of Revista Española de Pedagogía, both journals indexed in Journal Citation Reports

Patrice McMahon

Professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Represented university / institution
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Title of the course/talk
Interactions Matter: doing fieldwork in a data rich world

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) The NGO Game: Post-Conflict Peacebuilding in the Balkans and Beyond (Cornell University Press, 2017)
2) With David Forsythe, American Exceptionalism Reconsidered: U.S. Foreign Policy, Human Rights and World Order (Routledge: 2017)
3) “Shrinking, Shifting and Strengthening: the dynamics and diversity of civic activism in Poland,” with Lukasz Niparko, for Special Issue on Civil Society Activism, East European Politics and Societies, June 2022.

Research interests
Humanitarian affairs, peacebuilding, civil society activism, and U.S. foreign policy

Diana Odier-Contreras Garduno


Represented university / institution
University College Utrecht

Title of the course/talk
Methodology of legal research: how will I ever get out of this labyrinth?

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) HeavContreras Garduno, D.I. (20-06-2017) Participant Lecture at the Clingendael Institute: Workshop for mid-career level diplomats The Hague The workshop focused on a comparison between the Inter-American and European regional human rights instruments and bodies.
2) Contreras Garduno, D.I., Zwaak, L.F. & Xuenqin-Wu, Kristin (01-08-2015). Who Pays the Bill? Possibilities and Limitations of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights Legal Assistance Fund. In Haeck Yves, Oswaldo Ruiz-Chiriboga & Clara Burbano-Herrera (Eds.), The Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Theory and Practice, Present and Future (pp. 75-102). Cambridge: Intersentia Publishers.
3) Contreras Garduno, Diana & Fraser, Julie (2014). The Identification of Victims Before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the International Criminal Court and Its Impact on Participation and Reparation: A Domino Effect?. Inter-American and European Human Rights Journal, 7 (1-2), (pp. 174-203 ).

Research interests
Recht, Economie, Bestuur en OrganisatieDepartement RechtsgeleerdheidInternationaal en Europees Recht

Frederico Penteado

Professor of Anthropology and Education

Represented university / institution
Faculdade de Belas-Artes de Lisboa (FBAUL)

Title of the course/talk
Art as Intermediation between the I, Society and Time

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) „Nothing has changed”, poetry book by Rosmarie Waldrop, illustration and design by Frederico Penteado, imprint Three Legged Bird, 2020
2) „Crash- A divergent artistic discussion”, group exhibition, Siger Gallery, London, UK 2017
3) „Cromatismos cranianos”, solo printmaking retrospective, Largo Art Residencies, Lisbon, Portugal 2016

Research interests
abstract cinema, abstraction, sinesthesia, geometry, cityscape, aesthetics

Stefano Pelaggi

Researcher and Adjunct Professor

Represented university / institution
Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)

Title of the course/talk
Creating the myth of the Country of Beauty: imagining Italy through the lens of a national cuisine

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Pelaggi, S. 2020. „Sociology of Made in Italy. A Social History of an Italian Phenomenon” in Andò R. Teaching Fashion. An introduction, Roma: Nuova Cultura, pp. 295-305, pp. 189-205, ISBN: 9788833653051, DOI: 10.4458/3051
2) Pelaggi, S. 2020. “Il percorso dell’identità nazionale pluralistica a Taiwan dai processi di colonizzazione alla democratizzazione” (The path of pluralistic national identity in Taiwan from colonization processes to democratization) in Orizzonte Cina, 2020, vol. 11 n. 1: 3-12. ISSN 2280-8035. Ref.:
3) Pelaggi, S. 2019. “Evolution and Dimensions of Taiwanese Soft Power and its Effectiveness in Europe” in Tamkang Journal of International Affairs, Jan 2019, pp. 49-118, DOI:10.6185/TJIA.V.21. n.1. pp 49-118.

Research interests
Social History, Identity and Nationalism, Nation and Nationalism in Asia, East Asia History, Indo Pacific international relations, Taiwan Studies, Public Diplomacy.

Svitlana Soroka

Professor in Public Administration

Represented university / institution
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University (Ukraine)

Title of the course/talk
Model of PhD education in the field of social sciences in Ukraine

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Svitlana Soroka, Tetiana Akimova, The Higher Education of Ukraine in the Global Educational Space, Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, №2, 2020, DOI: 10.5782/2223-2621.2020.23.2.24
2) Svitlana Soroka, Peculiarities of Ukrainian citizens’ migration to Poland and Russia in 2014-2019, Przegląd Politologiczny, 2019, vol. 4, DOI: 10.14746/pp.2019.24.4.8
3) Svitlana Soroka, Youth Subcultures as a form of Protest to Authoritarian Regime (on the Example of Soviet Ukraine in the 1950s–1980s), Studia Warmińskie, 2020, vol. 56, DOI: 10.31648/sw.3504

Research interests
Methodology of public administration, European integration of Ukraine, EU institutions and law, mechanisms of interaction between public authorities

Monika Sus


Represented university / institution
Visiting professor of political science, Center for International Security, Hertie School, Berlin
Associate professor, Institute for Political Science, Polish Academy of Sciences
Visiting fellow, Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence

Title of the course/talk
Getting published in social science journals and book series

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) The High Representative as a policy entrepreneur. Case of the European Union’s Global Strategy, “International Affairs”, 97 ( 3), 823–840,
2) Theory infused and policy relevant – On the usefulness of scenario analysis in IR studies, “Contemporary Security Policy”, 41(3), 432-455, 2020, (with M. Hadeed)
3) Post-Brexit EU/UK security cooperation: NATO, CSDP+ or ‘French Connection’?, “The British Journal of Politics and International Relations”, 20 (4), 2019, 846–863, (with B. Martill)

Research interests
International relations, particularly in the study of European Union´s foreign, security and defence policy and in the investigation of the institutional dynamics between the supranational and national level in EU’s foreign policy making; bilateral cooperation between EU´s Member States in the field of foreign and security policy; application of foresight methods in IR.

Emilia Smolak-Lozano

PhD in Communication Sciences. Associate Professor in the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising

Represented university / institution
University of Malaga (Spain)

Title of the course/talk
New methodological approaches to Social Media research in communication, political and social sciences

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Smolak-Lozano E. (2022). Audiovisual Branding. Tirant Lo Blanch. Madrid
2) Paliwoda Matiolanska A. , Smolak-Lozano E., Nakayama A. (2020). Corporate image or social engagement: Twitter discourse on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in public relations strategies in the energy sector. El Profesional de la Información Índice: JCR
3) Nakayama, A., Paliwoda-Matiolanska, A., Smolak-Lozano E. (2020). Text mining and dimension reduction method application into exploring isomorphic pressures in corporate communication on textual tweet data about sustainability in the energy sector. Special Issue: ʻMultidisciplinary Facets of Data Science: Proceedings of the European Conference on Data Anaylsis 2019ʼ of the Open Access KIT Scientific Publishing. Journal : Archives of Data Science. Series A. Springer

Research interests
political communication, Social Media, social networks, online discourse, digital public sphere, measurement and evaluation of online communication campaigns and strategies, corporate communication, new digital media (podcast and streaming); brand storytelling; semantic approaches and computational linguistic methods

Jack Wen-Chieh Wu 吳文傑

Director of International Master’s Program of Applied Economics and Social Development at NCCU University

Represented university / institution
National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan

Title of the course/talk
Political and economic situation of contemporary Taiwan

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Wu J., 2008, New Evidence on the Link Between Housing Environment and Children’s Educational Attainments, “Journal of Urban Economics”, 64, 408-421
2) Wu J., 2019, Does the Government-mandated Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards Reduce Income Tax Revenue? “International Tax and Public Finance”, 26, 145-166
3) Wu J., 2019, Moderated Mediation Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility Performance on Tax Avoidance from China, “Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics”, 26, 90-107.

Research interests
Urban Economics, Public Economics.

Christoph Wulf

Professor of Anthropology and Education

Represented university / institution
Freie Universität Berlin

Title of the course/talk
Education as Human Knowledge in the Anthropocene. Transition through Mimesis and Rituals

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Wulf, Christoph with G. Gebauer (1995): Mimesis. Culture, Art, Society. Berkeley: The University of California Press;
2) Christoph Wulf (2013). Anthropology. A Continental Perspective. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press;
3) Christoph Wulf (Ed.) (2016): Exploring Alterity in a Globalized World: London et al: Routledge;

Research interests
historical and cultural anthropology, educational anthropology, rituals, gestures, emotions, imagination, intercultural communication, mimesis, aesthetics, epistemology