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Carlos Smaniotto Costa


Represented university / institution
Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies

Title of the course/talk
Experiences in Building a Research Proposal

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Smaniotto Costa, C.; Menezes, M.; Ivanova-Radovanova, P.; Ruchinskaya, T.; Lalenis, K.; Bocci, M. (2021). Planning Perspectives and Approaches for Activating Underground Built Heritage. Sustainability 13, 10349.
2) Smaniotto Costa, C., Mačiulienė, M., Menezes, M. & Goličnik Marušić, B. (Eds.) (2020). Co-Creation of Public Open Places. Practice – Reflection – Learning. C3Places Project. Lisbon: Lusófona University Press. ISBN 978-989-757-125-1.
3) Smaniotto Costa, C., Šuklje Erjavec, I., et al. (Eds.) 2019: CyberParks – The Interface Between People, Places and Technology – New Approaches and Perspectives. Springer, Series: Information Systems and Applications LNCS 1130. 323.

Research interests
In my academic research, I study how uncertainty about the future affects firms’ and political parties’ strategic decisions.  On the applied side, I am interested in the clean energy Sustainable urban planning, urban ecology and environment, urban and landscape design, research methods, participatory and co-creation processes, placemaking.

Juan Luis Fuentes

PhD in Education. Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Studies

Represented university / institution
University of Madrid (Spain)

Title of the course/talk
Academic writting for educational researchers

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) (2020) Swimming against the tide in current educational practice: thoughts and proposals.  The Educational Forum;
2) (2018) Constructing Creative Democracy at School by Reading the Classics: A Dialogue between Martha Nussbaum and John Dewey. En R. Heilbronn, C. Doddington and R. Higham (Eds.), Dewey and Education in the 21st Century: Fighting Back. Emerald Publishing;
3) (2016). Cultural Diversity on the Council of Europe Documents: the Role of Education and the Intercultural Dialogue. Policy Futures in Education

Research interests
theory and philosophy of education, intercultural education, and the use of ICTs in the educational sphere. Dr. Fuentes is Associate Editor of Educación XX1 and Academic Secretary of Revista Española de Pedagogía, both journals indexed in Journal Citation Reports

Ian Gadd

Professor in English Literature

Represented university / institution
Bath Spa University, UK

Title of the course/talk
The ‘History of the Book’: thinking about books and the people who make them, sell them, and read them

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Ian Gadd, ‘Ready Reader One: Recovering Reading as an Ambient Practice’, in Ambient Literature, ed. Tom Abba, Jonathan Dovey, and Kate Pullinger (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020). 
2) Ian Gadd, ‘Ready Reader One: Recovering Reading as an Ambient Practice’, in Ambient Literature, ed. Tom Abba, Jonathan Dovey, and Kate Pullinger (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020).
3) Ian Gadd, ed., The History of Oxford University Press, Volume I: Beginnings to 1780 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013).`

Research interests
The Stationers’ Company of London; Oxford University Press; the history of printing and publishing in England in the 16th, 17th and early eighteenth centuries; history of early modern London;  history of reading; editorial theory and practice; Jonathan Swift

Christian Gläßel


Represented university / institution
Hertie School, Berlin

Title of the course/talk
Survey Methodologies and Experiments

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Gläßel, Christian and Katrin Paula. 2020. „Sometimes Less Is More: Censorship, News Falsification, and Disapproval in 1989 East Germany.” American Journal of Political Science 64(3): 682-698. Link
2) Gläßel, Christian, Belén González, and Adam Scharpf .2020. „Grist to the Mill of Subversion: Strikes and Coups in Counterinsurgencies.” European Journal of International Relations, online first. Link
3) Adam Scharpf and Christian Gläßel. 2019. „Why Underachievers Dominate Secret Police Organizations: Evidence from Autocratic Argentina.” American Journal of Political Science, online first. Link

Research interests
Research interests: authoritarian regimes, organization of state repression

Tom Harrison

Director of Education, Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues

Represented university / institution
School of Education, University of Birmingham

Title of the course/talk
Alleviating Online Harms Through Character Education

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) THRIVE; How to Cultivate Character So Your Children Can Flourish Online (2021 forthcoming). London; Robinsons.
2) Harrison, T & Dennis, M 2020, ‚Unique ethical challenges for the 21st century: online technology and virtue education‚, Journal of Moral Education.
3) Harrison, T, Burn, E & Moller, F 2018, ‚Teaching character: Cultivating virtue perception and virtue reasoning through the curriculum ‚, Educational Review.

Research interests
Tom Harrison’s specialist interests are character education and virtue ethics, character, wisdom and the Internet, youth social action and citizenship education. He has published Tom Harrison’s specialist interests are character education and virtue ethics, character, wisdom and the Internet, youth social action and citizenship education. He has published extensively in these areas as well as developing resources and training programmes for schools, voluntary sector and other organisations. 

Paulina Kewes

Professor of English

Represented university / institution
Jesus College and Faculty of English Language and Literature, University of Oxford

Title of the course/talk
Interdisciplinary research: opportunities and challenges

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Authorship and Appropriation: Writing for the Stage in England, 1660-1710 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998); 
2) The Oxford Handbook of Holinshed’s Chronicles, ed. with Ian Archer and Felicity Heal (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013); 
3) Stuart Succession Literature: Moments and Transformations, ed. with Andrew McRae (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019).

Research interests
historiography; politics and political thought; classical reception; translation; Shakespeare; Dryden; histoire du livre; plagiarism

Félix Krawatzek

DPhil in Politics (University of Oxford)

Represented university / institution
ZOIS-The Centre for East European and International Studies, Berlin

Title of the course/talk
Conducting & Analysing Focus Groups

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Youth in Regime Crisis: Comparative Perspectives from Russia to Weimar Germany, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.
2) Which History Matters? Surveying Russian Youth and Their Understanding of the Past, Problems of Post-Communism, 2020 (online first).
3) Political Remittances and Political Transnationalism: Practices, Narratives of Belonging and the Role of the State, in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46:6/2020 (with Lea Müller-Funk).

Research interests
European politics; youth and politics; social movements; memory studies

Filippo Marsili

Associate Professor of History

Represented university / institution
Saint Louis University

Title of the course/talk
Heaven is Empty: Ethnocentrism, Cultural Projections and the Study of China in the West

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Heaven is Empty: A Cross-Cultural Approach to “Religion” and Empire in Ancient China (SUNY Press, December 2018, paperback July 2019). 
2) Forthcoming article: “The Economics of Myth: Historicizing Discourses on Metal, Soil, and Ritual under Han Wudi 漢武帝 (r. 141 – 87 BCE),” in Water Moon Reflections: Essays in Honor of Patricia Berger. Ellen Huang, Nancy G. Lin, Michelle McCoy, and Michelle H. Wang (editors). (Berkeley, Institute for Asian Studies, University of California, Fall 2020).
3) “The Ghosts of Monotheism: Heaven, Fortune, and Universalism in Early Chinese and Greco-Roman Historiography,” Fragments 3 (2013 – 2014): 43-77. 

Research interests
Early China, Cross-cultural History, History of Religions, Historiography, Greco-Roman Historiography, Intellectual History, Cultural History, History of Institutionalized Violence, Otherness and Boundaries, Inner Asia and Silk Roads, Material Culture

Diana Odier-Contreras Garduno


Represented university / institution
University College Utrecht

Title of the course/talk

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) HeavContreras Garduno, D.I. (20-06-2017) Participant Lecture at the Clingendael Institute: Workshop for mid-career level diplomats The Hague The workshop focused on a comparison between the Inter-American and European regional human rights instruments and bodies.
2) Contreras Garduno, D.I., Zwaak, L.F. & Xuenqin-Wu, Kristin (01-08-2015). Who Pays the Bill? Possibilities and Limitations of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights Legal Assistance Fund. In Haeck Yves, Oswaldo Ruiz-Chiriboga & Clara Burbano-Herrera (Eds.), The Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Theory and Practice, Present and Future (pp. 75-102). Cambridge: Intersentia Publishers.
3) Contreras Garduno, Diana & Fraser, Julie (2014). The Identification of Victims Before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the International Criminal Court and Its Impact on Participation and Reparation: A Domino Effect?Inter-American and European Human Rights Journal, 7 (1-2), (pp. 174-203 ).

Research interests
Recht, Economie, Bestuur en OrganisatieDepartement RechtsgeleerdheidInternationaal en Europees Recht

Susann Worschech


Represented university / institution
European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)

Title of the course/talk
Relations matter! But how? Introduction to Social Network Analyses

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1)     Worschech, Susann (2017): New civic activism in Ukraine: Building society from scratch? In: Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal 3 (Special Issue: Civil Society in Ukraine: Building on Euromaidan Legacy), S. 23–45. Online verfügbar unter
2)    Worschech, Susann (2018): The 'Making’ of Europe in the Peripheries: Europeanization through conflicts and ambivalences. In: Culture, Practice, and Europeanization 3 (3), S. 56–76. Online verfügbar unter
3)    Worschech, Susann (forthcoming 2020): Democratization through the Backdoor: The Political Impact of ‘Non-political’ Culture Support. In: Caroline Y. Robertson-von Trotha (Hg.): New Strategies for Foreign Cultural and Educational Policy. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing (ifa-Edition Kultur und Außenpolitik, Band 4).

Research interests
civil society and social movements in post-socialist societies; democratization; sociology of Europeanization; relational sociology; social network analysis

Christoph Wulf

Professor of Anthropology and Education

Represented university / institution
Freie Universität Berlin

Title of the course/talk
Education as Human Knowledge in the Anthropocene. Transition through Mimesis and Rituals

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Wulf, Christoph with G. Gebauer (1995): Mimesis. Culture, Art, Society. Berkeley: The University of California Press;
2) Christoph Wulf (2013). Anthropology. A Continental Perspective. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press;
3) Christoph Wulf (Ed.) (2016): Exploring Alterity in a Globalized World: London et al: Routledge;

Research interests
historical and cultural anthropology, educational anthropology, rituals, gestures, emotions, imagination, intercultural communication, mimesis, aesthetics, epistemology