Aleksandra Boroń
prof. AMU dr hab. (Associate Professor)
Represented university / institution
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
Title of the course/talk
Social and Psychocultural Reconstructions of Identity
Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Boroń Aleksandra, Polityka językowa i tożsamość kulturowa mniejszości, Studia edukacyjne, 2021, nr 61, s.7-30. DOI:10.14746/se.2021.60.1
2) Boroń Aleksandra, Polonia portugalska i procesy (re)konstrukcji kulturowej tożsamości W: Polonia i Polacy za granicą – kulturowe i edukacyjne obszary badań i doświadczeń / , (red.) Boroń Aleksandra [i in.] (red.), 2020, Poznań, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, s.241-252, ISBN 978-83-232-3857-7
3) Boroń Aleksandra, Pedagogika (p)o Holocauście. Pamięć. Tożsamość. Edukacja, 2013, Poznań, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 268 s., ISBN 978-83-232-2531-7
Research interests
Comparative Education, Intercultural Education
Radosław Fiedler
Represented university / institution
Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Title of the course/talk
Perceptions and Misperceptions in decision-making processes. USA-Iran as a case study
Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Fiedler R., Stelmach A. eds, Beyond Europe: Politics and Change in Global and Regional Affairs, Logos-Verlag, Berlin 2018.
2) Fiedler R., Iran a reżim nieproliferacji broni jądrowej. Dylematy i wyzwania, Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM Poznań 2013
3) Fiedler R. (2020), From corporationism to cooperationism: reversed globalization, cooperative, politics and expanding online communication in post-pandemic time, “Society Register”, 4(3), pp. 161-168.
Research interests
International relations, Middle East studies, Central Asia politics, US foreign policy
Marcin Gierczyk
Represented university / institution
University of Silesia Institute of Pedagogy
Title of the course/talk
Problem-based supervision
Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Uczeń zdolny w polskiej i angielskiej przestrzeni szkolnej : studium komparatystyczne. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. Gierczyk M (2019)
2) The effects of gender on the ethical decision-making of teachers, doctors and lawyers. New Educ. Rev. – 2019, no. 1, s. 147-159, Gierczyk M, Harrison T. (2019)
3) Edukacja i społeczeństwo : dynamika socjopedagogicznych konstrukcji / red. nauk. Agnieszka Gromkowska-Melosik, Emilia Grzesiak, Jarema Drozdowicz, Marcin Gierczyk – Poznań : Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, (2018)
Research interests
His interests include Gifted and Talented Education, Physical and Relational Aggression as well as issues related to the functions of degrees from prestigious universities. He has published articles related to studying societal issues, methodology, gifted and talented education and gender politics; these articles often have a comparative nature and are related to social mobility and multiculturalism. He gained valuable academic knowledge during his time at the University of Birmingham (England), University of Oslo (Norway) and Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). From 2017 he is an Honorary Research Fellow at the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues, University of Birmingham (England).
Bogusława Dorota Gołębniak
Represented university / institution
Dolnośląska Szkoła Wyższa we Wrocławiu / University of Lower Silesia
Title of the course/talk
Etnograficznie zorientowane badania w działaniu w akademickiej edukacji nauczycieli: idee, strategie, praktyki
Ethnographic oriented action research in academic teacher education: ideas, states, practices
Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) B.D. Gołębniak (2013) Edukacyjne badania w działaniu: między akademicką legitymizacją a realizacyjnymi uproszczeniami, w: H. Cervinkova, B.D. Gołębniak (red.) (2013) Edukacyjne badania w działaniu, Warszawa: Scholar.
2) B.D. Gołębniak (2014) O „upedagogicznianiu” szkoły poprzez akademicki dyskurs edukacyjny. Ku autoetnografii, Form Oświatowe , 2 (52), 147-169.
3) B.D. Gołębniak, Zmorska B. (2020) Wyjść poza opis. Badania interwencyjne w edukacji nauczycieli, w: M. Magda-Adamowicz, E. Kowalska (red.) Dziecko i dzieciństwo w badaniach pedagogicznych, Toruń: Wyd. Adam Marszałek.
Research interests
Profesjonalizm nauczycieli / Professionalism of teachers;
Edukacja nauczycieli: przesunięcia konceptualne i zwroty metodologiczne/ Teacher education: conceptual shifts and methodological turns; „Nowe’ strategie badawcze w nauce o nauczycielach i nauczaniu po zwrocie interpretacyjno-działaniowym. The new strategies of research in teacher education after linquistic and activity turn.
Agnieszka Gromkowska-Melosik
Represented university / institution
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
Title of the course/talk
Social constructions of university rankings
Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Edukacja i (nie)równość społeczna kobiet. Studium dynamiki dostępu (Eng., Education and social (in)equality of women. A study of the dynamics of access), Impuls, Kraków 2011, pp. 516
2) Elitarne szkolnictwo średnie. Między reprodukcją społeczno-kulturową a ruchliwością konkurencyjną, (Elite secondary schooling. Between sociocultural reproduction and contest mobility), AMU Press, Poznań 2015, pp. 475
3) Testy edukacyjne. Studium dynamiki selekcji i socjalizacji, ( Educational Tests. Dynamics of Selection and Socialization), AMU Press, 2017)Poznań 2017, pp. 198.
Research interests
Sociology of education, sociology of culture, gender studies
Bartosz Hordecki
Represented university / institution
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
Title of the course/talk
Towards Methodology of Translation in Social Science
Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) B. Hordecki, Language Policies as an Instrument of Shaping and Rhetoricizing Mutual Relations in the Post-Soviet Region, “Przegląd Politologiczny” 2019, no. 2.
2) B. Hordecki, „Freedom of speech” and „wolność słowa” – around some conceptual differences between the terms, J. Sobczak, J. Skrzypczak, K. Kakareko (eds.), “Media Law in the time of liquid modernity. Hot Topics in the European and Polish Media Law”, Berlin 2017.
3) B. Hordecki, Contemporary research on hate speech in news websites’ comments from the perspective of Jürgen Habermas’s theory of knowledge, “Annales – Ser. hist. sociol.” 2014, no. 3.
Research interests
political philosophy, rhetoric, language policies and politics of language, changes of the contemporary socio-political discourses (especially in Central and Eastern Europe), evolution of political and legal cultures, transformations of key-concepts and methodological approaches in political and media studies
Michał Klichowski
Associate Professor
Represented university / institution
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Title of the course/talk
Determinants of scientific excellence in young researchers
Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1)Klichowski, M., & Kroliczak, G. (2020). Mental Shopping Calculations: A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 11:1930.
2) Klichowski, M., Nowik, A., Kroliczak, G., & Lewis, J. W. (2020). Functional lateralization of tool-sound and action-word processing in a bilingual brain. Health Psychology Report, 8(1), 10-30.
3) Klichowski, M., & Kroliczak, G. (2017). Numbers and functional lateralization: a visual half-field and dichotic listening study in proficient bilinguals. Neuropsychologia, 100, 93-109.
Research interests
My current research belongs primarily to the area of technology-enhanced learning, educational neuroscience and cyberpsychology. The main goal of my research is a development of knowledge on influence of the expansion of ICT tools on the cognitive processes.
Zbyszko Melosik
Represented university / institution
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Title of the course/talk
Identity of researcher: between traditional status and unstable evaluation
Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Zbyszko Melosik, Passion and Identity of Researcher. Power and Freedom of Mind, Adam Mickiewicz University Press, Poznań 2019,
2) Zbyszko Melosik, University and Society: Discourses of Freedom, Knoweldge and Power, Impuls Press, Kraków 2009,
3) Zbyszko Melosik, Identity, Body and Power in Instant Culture, Impuls Press, Kraków 2010,
Research interests
sociology of education, sociology of culture
Paulina Pospieszna
PhD, Associate Professor
Represented university / institution
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Title of the course/talk
Writing and publishing in international peer-review journals and publishing houses
Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Consensus against All Odds: Explaining the Persistence of EU Sanctions on Russia Clara Portela, Paulina Pospieszna, Joanna Skrzypczyńska and Dawid Walentek. 2020. Journal of European Integration. DOI: 10.1080/07036337.2020.1803854
2) Amplifying and Nullifying the Impact of Democratic Sanctions through Aid to Civil Society Pospieszna, Paulina, and Patrick Weber. 2020. International Interactions. DOI: 10.1080/03050629.2020.1791108
3) Promoting Active Youth: Evidence from Polish NGO’s Civic Education Program in Eastern EuropePospieszna, Paulina, Aleksandra Galus. 2020. Journal of International Relations & Development 23 pp. 210-236, DOI 10.1057/s41268-018-0134-4.
Research interests
Anna Sakson-Boulet
PhD, Assistant Professor
Represented university / institution
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Title of the course/talk
Towards Methodology of Translation in Social Science
Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Anna Sakson-Boulet (2020), Ambient Air Pollution as a Human Security Challenge in Poland, “Security. Theory and Practice”, No. 1 (XXXVIII), DOI: 10.34697/2451-0718-btip-2020-1-006.
2) Anna Sakson-Boulet (2020) The “Clean Air” Priority Programme – Evaluation and Perspectives, “Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne”, No. 1/2020,
3) A. Sakson-Boulet (2019), Selected Aspects of Iran’s Hydrological Security, “Przegląd Strategiczny”, Vol. 12,
Research interests
political ecology, environmental security, global issues – especially hunger and malnutrition
Andrzej Stelmach
Doktor hab., prof. UAM
Represented university / institution
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Title of the course/talk
Systemy polityczne i metodologii ich badania.
Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Zmiana i stabilność w systemie politycznym współczesnej Rosji, Poznań 2003. Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM.
2) Strukturalny i funkcjonalny wymiar systemu politycznego Ukrainy, w: Ukraina po (Euro)majdanie. Od autorytaryzmu do protodemokracji, red. A. Stelmach, L. Churska-Kowalczyk, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2016.
3) Kształtowanie nowej kultury społeczeństwa w pierwszym okresie transformacji ustrojowej w Polsce i Rosji, w: Kultura polityczna. W poszukiwaniu nowego paradygmatu, red. A. Stelmach, M. Lorenc, M. Łukaszewski, Poznań, 2018.
Research interests
System polityczny Polski i państw Europy Wschodniej. Prawo wyborcze i wybory.
Tomasz R. Szymczyński
prof. AMU dr hab. (Associate Professor)
Represented university / institution
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Title of the course/talk
Towards methodology of translation in social science – W stronę metodologii przekładu w naukach społecznych
Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Polityka drogi okrężnej jako strategia sensu w chińskim obszarze kulturowym z perspektywy hermeneutyki wielojęzykowości, (En. Politics of detour as a strategy of meaning in Chinese cultural area from the perspective of hermeneutics of multilinguisticality) Forthcoming book.
2) Rhetoric and hermeneutics of the democratic deficit in the European Union, (in:) Stosunki Międzynarodowe w Procesie Zmian. International Relations in the Process of Changes. Księga Jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesorowi Zdzisławowi W. Puśleckiemu (eds.) Andrzej Stelmach, Tomasz R. Szymczyński, Maciej Walkowski, Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań 2018, pp. 633-642.
3) Pytanie o miejsce retoryki w hermeneutyce filozoficznej Hansa-Georga Gadamera, (in:) Powinowactwa retoryki, (ed.) Barbara Sobczak, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Seria Filologia Polska Nr 170, Poznań 2017, pp. 219-232. (En.: Considering the position of rhetoric within the philosophical hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer).
Research interests
Political philosophy, history of Chinese philosophy, questions on cultural collective identities and intercultural communication viewed from the methodological perspective of the hermeneutics of multilinguisticality