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Sharon Tzu-yun LAI

Professor in Translation

Represented university / institution
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan

Title of the course/talk
Languages and Politics in Taiwan: From the 17th Century to the Present

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) LAI (2022),“Accidental Heritage: On Children’s Literature Indirectly Translated to Taiwan by Way of Japan, 1945-1992.” Studies of Translation and Interpretation.25:207-226.
2) LAI (2019). Ed. History of Translation in Taiwan: Colonialism, Nation and Identity. Taipei: Linking.
3) LAI (2019). “Erasing the Translators: A History of Pirated Translation in Taiwan,1949-1987”. In Nana Sato-Rossberg and Akiko Uchiyama(eds), Diverse Voices in Translation Studies in East Asia. Oxford: Peter Lang.

Research interests
Translation history, indirect translations, translation and politics

Kai Marchal

Prof. Dr. (Associate Professor)

Represented university / institution
National Chengchi University

Title of the course/talk
Why is Understanding the Other so Difficult? The Example of Zhu Xi (1130-1200)

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Agency, Culture, Modernity: Towards a New Understanding of Confucian Practical Reasoning – 2017 – Journal of Chinese Philosophy 44 (3-4): 230-250.
2) Paradoxes and Possibilities of “Confucian Freedom”: From Yan Fu to Mou Zongsan – 2016 – Philosophy East and West 66 (1): 218-258.
3) Lü Zuqian’s Political Philosophy – 2010 – In John Makeham (ed.), Dao Companion to Neo-Confucian Philosophy. Springer. pp. 197-222.
4) Im Spiegel der All-Einheit. Selbst- und Weltbezug im chinesischen Mittelalter, Frankfurt a.M. 2024.

Research interests
Ethics, Political Philosophy, History of Chinese Philosophy

Ian Gadd

Professor in English Literature

Represented university / institution
Bath Spa University, UK

Title of the course/talk
What is the ‘History of the Book’ and why does it matter?

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Ian Gadd, ‘Ready Reader One: Recovering Reading as an Ambient Practice’, in Ambient Literature, ed. Tom Abba, Jonathan Dovey, and Kate Pullinger (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020).
2) Ian Gadd, ‘A Companion to Blayney’, Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 111 (2017), 379-406.
3) Ian Gadd, ed., The History of Oxford University Press, Volume I: Beginnings to 1780 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013)

Research interests
The Stationers’ Company of London; Oxford University Press; the history of printing and publishing in England in the 16th, 17th and early eighteenth centuries; history of early modern London; history of reading; editorial theory and practice; Jonathan Swift

Krzysztof Nierzwicki

Dr/ PhD

Represented university / institution
Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland

Title of the course/talk
What is the ‘History of the Book’ and why does it matter?

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Biblioteki kartuzji kaszubskiej oraz jej konwentów filialnych w Berezie Kartuskiej i Gidlach, Pelplin 2001, (588, [3] s., [32] s. tabl.).
2) Die Klosterbibliothek der Kartause „Sanctae Crucis” in Bereza Kartuska, Salzburg 2004, (Analecta Cartusiana 198), ([2], 258 s., il.).
3) Opowieść chirurga: wywiad rzeka z profesorem Waldemarem Jędrzejczykiem, Toruń 2016, 389 s., il.

Research interests
Historia książki, historia bibliotek, inkunabulistyka, historia nauki, historia medycyny
History of books; History of libraries, Incunabula studies, History of science, History of medicine
Geschichte des Buches, Geschichte der Bibliotheken, Inkunabelkunde, Geschichte der Wissenschaft, Geschichte der Medizin

Rafał Wójcik

Dr hab. (Associate Professor)

Represented university / institution
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland

Title of the course/talk
What is the ‘History of the Book’ and why does it matter?

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Lucie Doležalová, Farkas Gábor Kiss, Rafał Wójcik, The art of memory in late medieval Central Europe (Czech Lands, Hungary, Poland), ed. by Farkas Gábor Kiss, Budapest-Paris, L’Harmattan, 2016.
2) Ian Gadd, ‘A Companion to Blayney’, Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 111 (2017), 379-406.Baltazar Opec. Żywot Pana Jezu Krysta, wydali i wstępami opatrzyli Wiesław Wydra i Rafał Wójcik, wstęp ikonograficzny Katarzyna Krzak-Weiss, Poznań, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2014.
3) “Opusculum de arte memorativa” Jana Szklarka. Bernardyński traktat mnemotechniczny z 1504 roku. Poznań, Wydawnictwo Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne & Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, 2006.

Research interests
art of memory, medieval and neo-Latin literature, history of books, history of libraries, medieval and early modern prayer-books, apocrypha, comics in libraries

Emilia Smolak-Lozano

PhD in Communication Sciences. Associate Professor in the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising

Represented university / institution
University of Malaga (Spain)

Title of the course/talk
Social Media Analysis

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Smolak-Lozano E. (2022). Audiovisual Branding. Tirant Lo Blanch. Madrid
2) Paliwoda Matiolanska A. , Smolak-Lozano E., Nakayama A. (2020). Corporate image or social engagement: Twitter discourse on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in public relations strategies in the energy sector. El Profesional de la Información Índice: JCR
3) Nakayama, A., Paliwoda-Matiolanska, A., Smolak-Lozano E. (2020). Text mining and dimension reduction method application into exploring isomorphic pressures in corporate communication on textual tweet data about sustainability in the energy sector. Special Issue: ʻMultidisciplinary Facets of Data Science: Proceedings of the European Conference on Data Anaylsis 2019ʼ of the Open Access KIT Scientific Publishing. Journal : Archives of Data Science. Series A. Springer

Research interests
political communication, Social Media, social networks, online discourse, digital public sphere, measurement and evaluation of online communication campaigns and strategies, corporate communication, new digital media (podcast and streaming); brand storytelling; semantic approaches and computational linguistic methods

Nataliia Voitovych


RepresenRepresented university / institution
Ivan Franko National University of L’viv

Title of the course/talk
War in Ukraine – journalism, ethics, memory, translations

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Ivanov, V., Voitovych, N., Onufriv, S., Shturkhetskyy, S., and Zubarieva, M . (2023). Peculiarities of media literacy perception of Ukrainian student youth, Inequality, Informational Warfare, Fakes and Self-Regulation in Education and Upbringing of Youth, Youth Voice Journal Vol. IV, pp. 53-63. ISBN (ONLINE): 978-1-911634-81-2 (
2) Konyk A., Voitovych N. The influence of journalism and blogosphere on the Ukrainian political situation // Adepci dziennikarstwa o dziennikarstwie. Młode dziennikarstwo 4. ‒ Rzeszow: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego , 2021. ‒ S. 13-23.
3) Войтович Н. О. Медіаграмотність для студентів Львівського національного університету ім. І. Франка: виклики реалізації //Методика інтеграції в проєкті «Вивчай та розрізняй: інфо-медійна грамотність»: збірник матеріалів / Редкол.: В. Ф. Іванов (голов. ред.) [та ін.]. – Київ: Академія української преси, IREX, Центр вільної преси, 2022.– 160 с.- С.28-36

Research interests
I am a specialist in studies on language politics and policies, media discourses, media literacy, media psychology, journalistic ethics, informational security and political rhetoric, media studies, political studies, media discourses, political discourses, media representations, socio-political representations, media narratives, socio-political narratives, symbolic and language politics.

Patrice McMahon

Professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Represented university / institution
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Title of the course/talk
Doing fieldwork during conflict: awareness, sensitivity and localization

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) The NGO Game: Post-Conflict Peacebuilding in the Balkans and Beyond (Cornell University Press, 2017)
2) With David Forsythe, American Exceptionalism Reconsidered: U.S. Foreign Policy, Human Rights and World Order (Routledge: 2017)
3) “Shrinking, Shifting and Strengthening: the dynamics and diversity of civic activism in Poland,” with Lukasz Niparko, for Special Issue on Civil Society Activism, East European Politics and Societies, June 2022.

Research interests
Humanitarian affairs, peacebuilding, civil society activism, and U.S. foreign policy

Luciana Alexandra GHICA

Associate Professor

Represented university / institution
University of Bucharest (FSPUB)

Title of the course/talk
Political science publishing in the age of artificial intelligence: Research Opportunities and Challenges to Scientific Integrity

Luciana Alexandra GHICA is Associate Professor of Global Governance and European Studies at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest (FSPUB), where she also acts as founding Director of the Centre for International Cooperation and Development Studies (IDC). She studied political science and international relations at the University of Bucharest, Central European University and University of Oxford, where she specialized in the analysis of international cooperation processes, with a focus on the institutional and discursive impact of democratization on policymaking. In these areas she coordinated several national and international projects, some of which included fieldwork in Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Latin America. Author of several studies on international cooperation and foreign policy in democratizing contexts, she is also the editor of the first Romanian encyclopaedia of the European Union (c2005, 2nd ed. 2006, 3rd ed. 2007) and co-editor of the first Romanian handbook of security studies (2007; Book of the month distinction by the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs). For almost two decades she has been also a recurrent guest lecturer of the Romanian Diplomatic Institute and the European Institute in Romania (both under the aegis of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs) for professional training on global and European policies of international cooperation for development, EU institutions, and the analysis of diplomatic language. In addition, during the last decade and a half, she specialized in the study of political science as a discipline. In this area, since 2012, she has been serving as elected member of the board of Research Committee 33 (The Study of Political Science as a Discipline) of the International Political Science Association (IPSA). Between 2015 and 2021, she also served as member of the international advisory board of International Studies Review ( Currently, she coordinates the Jean Monnet module EU as a Global Digital Actor (2024-2027) and she is also part of the research teams of the EU-funded projects DD-Tech: Digital Diplomacy – Building the Common Future with Technology and TRUEDEM: Trust in European Democracies. Her latest publications include Luciana Alexandra GHICA (2021) Who Are We? The Diversity Puzzle in European Political Science. European Political Science 20(1): 58-84, and Luciana Alexandra GHICA (2024) Transforming International Development: Navigating the Shift towards Digital Cooperation. In The Oxford Handbook of Digital Diplomacy, eds. Corneliu Bjola & Ilan Manor. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Wojciech Szczęsny

profesor nauk medycznych

professor of medical sciences

Title of the course/talk
Od kamiennego ostrza do robota da Vinci, czyli krótki kurs historii chirurgii

Bibliographic data of three selected publications
1) Szczęsny W., Fisz J., Żuchowski P., Niedojadło J., Szmytkowski J., Dabrowiecki S. Ultrastructural Differences in Rectus Sheath of Hernia Patients and Healthy Controls. J Surg Res 2011 May 15: 167(20 : e171-5
2) Szczęsny W., Głowacka K., Marszałek A., Gumański R., Szmytkowski J., Dąbrowiecki S. The ultrastructure of the fascia lata in hernia patients and healthy control. J Surg Res 2012 Jan; 172(1):e33-7
3) Szczęsny W., Bodnar M., Dąbrowiecki S., Szmytkowski J., Marszałek A. Histologic and immunohistochemical studies of rectus sheath in obese patients. J Surg Res 2013 Apr 180(2): 360-5

Research interests
historia medycyny, popularyzacja nauki